You want your homemade bread to turn out exactly as you imagined?
No matter whether you are more the „CrispyArtisan“ type, the „Organic Manic“ or the „bake it easy“ type:
Then you‘ve come to the right place!
With our yeast products and baking mixtures from L‘Alfred‘s, your bread will be just as you always wanted it to be: simply perfect.



A tray with 9 wheat rolls with oatmeal decoration lies on a wooden table, next to it a green kitchen towel and various baking utensils
level easy icon
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About Us

What is it that makes us so passionate about baking? For some, it’s pure relaxation; for others, baking bread offers the absolute certainty of creating precious food ourselves. But whether we want to get the perfect crust, like on the Insta-posting, or the bread to be as delicious as we remember it from our childhood from our grandma, we all share a magical moment. It is that unique moment when we open the oven, the incomparable aroma of fresh bread spreads and we hold our finished work in our hands for the first time. We all know how precious that moment is when we realise that our bread has turned out perfectly.To make sure that everyone can do that, there is L’Alfred’s. A passionate baker with a big goal.
