
L'Alfred's palm oil free dry yeast in 125g pack
Homemade wholemeal rye spelt rolls with sourdough
L'Alfred's palm oil free dry yeast in 125g pack
level normal icon
prep time icon prep time 30 minutes
total time icon total time 13.5 hours


  • Ingredients for approx. 9 rolls
  • 175g rye flour type 1150
  • 175g spelt flour type 630
  • 350 g wholemeal wheat flour
  • 500 ml water
  • 60 g (homemade) sourdough
  • 7g dry yeast
  • 2 tsp salt

Rye wholemeal spelt roll with sourdough

What could be better on a Sunday morning than home-baked rolls fresh from the oven? When the aroma of freshly ground coffee wafts through the kitchen and the warm Sunday rolls have baked up crisp and crunchy, you know it’s going to be a perfect Sunday.


With a resting time of 11 hours, this recipe for wholemeal rye and spelt rolls with sourdough is ideal for overnight preparation. To make it, simply prepare the dough the night before and let it rest at room temperature overnight. In the morning, the dough just needs to be shaped and, after a short rising time, put into the oven.


Of course, the rolls can also be baked in advance and frozen in the freezer. To do this, shorten the baking time by 5-10 minutes and freeze the slightly soft rolls after they have cooled. In the morning, the rolls can be taken straight out of the freezer and baked at approx. 200° top/bottom heat for 10 minutes.


Because no matter whether they are freshly made or baked in stock – these rolls simply always taste good!


  1. Mix the flour with the water, sourdough, yeast and salt in a large bowl and knead well for about 5 minutes until the ingredients form a slightly sticky dough.

  2. Leave the dough to rest for half an hour and then knead again.

  3. After another 30 minutes, fold and stretch the dough once. Finally, let the roll dough rest in the bowl covered with a lid or a kitchen towel for 11 hours at room temperature.

  4. After the 11 hours resting time, stretch and fold the dough one last time and then form individual bun dough pieces. We recommend weighing out dough pieces of approx. 110g dough, but the rolls can be made larger or smaller as desired. To ensure that all the rolls bake well and evenly, the individual dough pieces should be as evenly sized as possible.

  5. Cover the dough and let it rise at room temperature for another 60 minutes. About 5-10 minutes before the end of the last rising time, you can preheat the oven.

Bake it

  1. Preheat the oven to 250° top/bottom heat. At the same time, heat water in the kettle and prepare an ovenproof dish.

  2. Just before baking, cut the pastries with a baking knife.

  3. Then fill the ovenproof dish with the boiled water and place the dish on the bottom of the oven. Then put the tray with the rolls directly into the oven and close the oven door.

  4. Remove the tray with the hot water from the oven after 5 minutes and leave the oven door wide open briefly so that any residual moisture can escape from the oven. Then close the door again so that the baking process continues.

  5. After another 5 minutes, reduce the oven temperature to 200°. Bake the rolls for a further 10-15 minutes, depending on the desired crispiness.

  6. Tip: If you want to freeze some of the rolls for another day after they have cooled, you can remove some of the rolls from the oven after the first 10 minutes of baking (when the temperature is reduced to 200°). The frozen rolls can then be defrosted at any time and baked fresh for another 10-15 minutes at 200°.

Vitamin D yeast transforms this recipe into an even more valuable source of nutrients. Get the sun on your plate!

L'Alfred's Vitamin D dry yeast in 18x9g sachets

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